

Here it is, the memento of that moment

When I realized the house had been

Ransacked: what all would be missing?

How would I tell Jan, who has a tender

Attachment to things sentimental and hers?

The police lifted fingerprints from the window

Where they’d broken in. The back door was

Open when I got there, but the cat hadn’t left

And didn’t seemed traumatized in the least

Who knows, maybe Secret was entertained by

The two (there had to be two–they carefully

Lifted the glass fronted bookcase off the trunk

To ransack its contents–almost all antique linens

Boy would I have loved to hear them curse

Our eclectic, worthless possessions: tons of books

And plants everywhere, worthless plants.

The electronics were all prehistoric.

They did steal two Macs and an I-pod, the computers

Are worthless-you can’t access without  passwords.

One of them wasn’t even working. But the diamond

Stud earrings, yes those were worth something, and the pearl

Earrings. The necklace I bought Jan in Manhattan Beach,

Good gold, with malachite–the only thing I’ve given her

In almost a decade of sweetest companionship she treasured,

That left a definite sting. And roughly $5000 worth of

Possessions stolen, which we may not recover much of.

Everyone knows the violation of a break in–the sense

of vulnerability the fear each time you come home

Wondering if a thief’s been there before you this time too.